Thesis Guide

At the end of the spring semester, each student undertakes the dissertation on a theme related to one of the subjects of the Program. Following its completion, it must be presented and supported before a three-member examination committee (supervisor and 2 faculty members) appointed by the JGC of the IPSP.

The supervisor has the academic responsibility for the elaboration of the dissertation and is appointed by the JGC, following the candidate’s submission of a dissertation proposal that must include the relevant title, supervisor and description. Research experts from recognized research institutes or other faculty members may be appointed co-supervisors of the graduate student, following their involvement at the IPSP. The number of dissertations that can be supervised by each faculty member should not exceed 5 (five). The presentation of the Master’s Thesis is publicly supported, before the three-member examination committee on a date and place determined by the JGC, following a proposal by the Director of the IPSP. In exceptional cases, if there is an objective weakness or an important reason (illness, absence abroad, etc.), it is possible to replace the supervisor or member of the Three-Member Examination Committee after a decision of the Director of the IPSP and with the consent of the JGC. The procedure for submitting the dissertation for examination is as follows: following the release of a list of compiled topics by faculty, students make their selections in consultation with the proposing faculty and academic advisor. Upon successful completion of the spring semester courses, students enter the phase of dissertation preparation. JGC validates the selection of dissertation topics and supervisors. Following the submission of the dissertation by the student and its formal approval by the supervisor, dissertations are submitted in four copies to the Secretariat by a pre-announced date, no later than the 31 of August. The language of the diploma is English. Following the public presentation and defence of the dissertation, it must be submitted in its final form in both printed and electronic copies to the Secretariat and kept in the Library of the IPSP. The dissertation preparation guide is posted on the IPSP website. In order to successfully complete the obligations of the postgraduate student that leads to the award of the Postgraduate Diploma, he / she must have received a passing grade in all the courses and in his / her dissertation. The mark of the IPSP is based on the weighted average of the marks received for the eight courses (70%) and the degree of the dissertation (30%).